The Data

What are we looking at?

The Project


Chosen Attributes:

  • Call Type
  • Call Type Group
  • Batallion
  • Neighborhood Distrct
  • Zipcode of Incident
  • Call Date
  • Number of Records

  • About the Data:

    We first downloaded the dataset from the first link above. Then, we filtered the dataset in Trifecta to remove any mismatches or missing values, and the attributes we decided to keep in the dataset are listed above in the Chosen Attributes section. We decided to choose Call Type and Call Type Group because we thought it would be interesting to compare the different types calls made to the fire department to various other attributes some of which include date, zipcodes, batallion, and neighborhood distrct.

    Download Our Subset


    Draw conclusions about the calls made at the San Francisco Fire Department using different types of visualization techniques, some of which include bar charts, time series graphs, and pie charts. They give the ability for us to answer questions about the dataset and make sense of it.