Toggle between the buttons to show either the cumulative values or the average
values per year. Hovering over the cells will display the respective amounts.
STACKED ($ billions)      NORMALIZED (%)

Total Revenues in Proportion from Organization Group per Year
This stacked area chart visualizes the amounts at which each organization group's (grouping of all departments) expenditures on revenue.
At first glance, we can see that public works has the greatest amount of expenditures. Other observations include that there appears to
be a peak in 2016 for the sum of all of the organization groups. It's interesting to see because there were many things that occufred in 2016,
including the presidential election, increase in minimum wages, and many protests/movements. Being from the Bay Area, I have experience with
changes in transportation systems, including Bart, Caltrain and MUNI. Over time, it is evident that almost all groups' areas are
increasing, meaning there are more revenue expenditures from all groups.

Normalizing the graph further proves these points, because it averages out and puts all of the totals into proportion. It shows how
much percent of each organization group takes up how much of the total amount of revenue expenditure. It also helps see how
much growth is seen for each group over time more clearly. The most consistent group seems to be Community Health
and General City Responsibilities. After some reasearch, I learned that in 1997, the Community Health Network embarked on
an organizational restructuring plan to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving health care environment.
This seems to be in effect since then, keeping amounts it consistent. Some examples of costs that are allocated in General City
Responsiblities are for health services or retiree subsidies.

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