Toggle between the buttons to show either the cumulative values or the average
values per year. Hovering over the cells will display the respective amounts.
This heatmap displays the spending and revenue data in San Francisco from 1999-2016 per fund category. Fund categories are
the categories of spending that each category breaks up spending into. It's very evident that the greatest category of funds is
Operating, for all years and for totals and averages. The amounts shown represent the revenue expenditure. If the value is
negative, like it is under both totals and average for 1999 in Work Orders/Overhead, it means that this fund had to take this
money out of somewhere else in order to allocate the required amount. In the totals section, there doesn't seem to be a
clear trend on increase/decreases in revenue expenditures. The maximum was the total revenue expenditures for Operating in
2015 at almost $20 billion, and the lowest was for Work Orders in 1999 at almost -$5,000. For the most part, these trends carry
over to the average sections as well. But, when analyzing averages, it is clear that there is a greater spreadout of spending. The
averages show that there is an increase, on average, for spending in operations. 2017 isn't over yet and because this dataset is
constantly updating, the amounts will calculate and probably exceed that of 2016 due to this upward trend. Some examples of things
that are allocated in he Operating funds category include Muni Operating Funds, Wastewater Operating Funds, and Public
Utilities Commission Operating Funds.

Note: It's important to keep in mind the legend scale changes to make sure that the darkness of colors are not misleading.

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