Our data comes from Fire Department Calls for Services in San Francisco on December 2016. This data set includes information about 911 calls and fire department call services in San Francisco on December 2016. Each of the 911 calls is recorded with an incident number, time, location, and type. The time given includes the date and time of the day. The location includes an address, zip code, and neighborhood district. The call type includes citizen assist, traffic collision, citizen assist, medical incident,vehicle fire, structure fire, outside fire, fuel spill, gas leak, electrical hazard, elevator, alarms, and others ,which are then group labeled as alarm, non life-threatening, potentially life threatening, and fire.
From this dataset, we have decided to only look at the time frame between 12am and 5am (5-hour window) of December 2016. From the data set we only kept call type,date,call received time, zip code,call type group, and neighborhood district. Some of the incidents had more than one record so we eliminated repeated data by only using one unique record of each incident to avoid having some data being over represented.