Heat Map
The heatmap visualization above shows the number of calls received by the SF Fire Department from 12AM midnight to 5AM in the morning from Dec 1st to Dec 30th, 2016. The areas with a darker red represent higher number of calls received while area with a lighter or fainter red represent a lower number of calls received. The color scale is divided into 14 steps so each increase in the darkness of red represents an increase of 2 calls up to a maximum of 28 calls. Each column of time represents a one hour or 60-minute interval.
There is a higher concentration of calls received during the period between 00:00AM midnight to 02:59AM. More incidents are reported in this 3-hour period. For some reason on 12/10 for the same period above, there was a high number of incidents being reported. The two-hour period from 03:00AM to 04:59AM seems to be a period with relatively lower number of incidents being reported especially 04:00AM to 04:59AM appears to be the column with the faintest red areas.
San Francisco's 911 Call Records from 12 AM to 5 AM on December 2016
The pie chart represents the total number of 911 calls in San Francisco on December 2016. These calls were divided into 4 call type groups which are potentially life-threatening, non life-threatening, alarm, and fire. The call type groups are represented with different colors. Orange represents potentially life-threatening, blue represents non-life threatening, pink represents alarm, and teal represents fire.
By looking at the pie chart we can see that about 45% of the calls were potentially life-threatening, about 35% were non-life threatening, about 18% were alarm, and about 2% were fire.
San Francisco's 911 Call Records from 12 AM to 5 AM on December 2016 by Call Type Group
This multi-series line chart above shows the number of calls that were received between 12 AM - 4:59 AM on December 2016. The time labels represent the beginning of the hour; for example, 12 AM represents 12:00 AM - 12:59 AM and so on. The different lines and colors represent the different Call Type Groups that the calls were categorized in.
The type with the most number of calls overall are Potentially Life-Threatening. Overall, the number of calls seems to be the lowest from around 3 AM – 4 AM, and Alarm starts to rise up again from 5AM.
San Francisco's 911 Call Records from 12 AM to 5 AM on December 2016 by Districts
The stacked bar chart represents the total record of 911 calls and the different call type that were recorded between 12am and 5am with districts with at least 28 911 calls in San Francisco on December 2016. The San Francisco neighborhoods represented in this stacked bar chart have at least 28 911 calls recorded and reach as high as 268 recorded calls. The type of call made can be identified by different colors. The orange represents potentially life-threatening, blue represents non life-threatening, teal reflect fire, and pink represents alarm as shown in the legend provided.
From this stacked bar chart, we can point out areas of San Francisco, where most 911 calls are performed between 12am to 5am were Tenderloin, South of Market, Mission, and Financial District/South Beach. These are the areas with most incidents in San Francisco between 12am and 5am. For most of the districts the group with most calls is for potentially Life-threatening incidents. The seconds most call is non Life-threatening. The third most 911 calls comes from alarm. The call group type with least calls was fire with some districts reporting no calls for fire related incident. Tenderloin has at least 3 times more potentially life-threatening incidents compared to the rest of the neighborhoods in San Francisco except for South of Market, Mission, Financial District/South Beach, and Bayview Hunter’s points. Tenderloin has the highest alarm, potentially life-threatening, and non life-threatening call compared to the rest of the districts. Bayview Hunters Point had 5 fire incidents making it the highest of all neighborhoods in San Francisco.