CS360: Homework 4

Click-To-Zoom Sunburst Layout

About The Sunburst Layout

This visualization is called a Sunburst Layout which is a radial version of the Icycle Layout. The center circle resembles the root while the surrounding sections are the children with their respective children and so on. The length of the surrounding arcs are determined by the amount of children it has. With this visualization along with the click-to-zoom interactivity it is easy to determine the height of the hierchy depth of a node, the parent and children relationships and locating the root. It is difficult, however to determine siblings as it looks like each surrounding circle contains siblings when they are actually unrelated.

Traditional Sideways Node Layout, Curved Edges

About The Sideways Node Layout

A traditional layout is a resemblance of an iconic tree diagram. In this visualization, I implement the tree put on its side with curved edges as opposed to straight. The sideways layout makes it easier to add legible static labels for each node if there aren't too many nodes (I kept it interactive as labels would overlap due to large the amount of nodes). One can easily locate the root, calculate depth of a note and locate siblings since the edges help determine family lines and determine height of the tree.

Circular Dendrogram Node Layout, Straight Edges

About The Circular Dendrogram

Dendrograms are traditionally seen as horizontal or vertical diagrams with all the leaves lying on the same level. This visualization takes the traditional dendrogram and makes it circular with all the leaves lying on the outer circle. Using this technique, it is easy to locate leaves as well as cluster the data.

Circle Packing

About Circle Packing

Circle packing (which looks like bacteria in a microscope) is ordered in nested circles where children will lie inside the circle of their respective parent. The size of the circle is determined by the size of the hierarchy at that node. The actual x and y coordinates that the points lie on are not significant which leaves a lot of empty space. This visualization makes it easy to count the number of children a parent has as well as locating parent and children relationships.

Tree Map

About The Tree Map

This Tree Map utilizes nested rectangles to explore groups within the hierarchy. The area of a rectangle is proportional to the size of the node and its children. Tree maps use space generously to easily display all the nodes in the dataset making it easy to see groups as well as parent child relationships.

About Me

Lance Fernando is a junior majoring in Data Science with a concentration in computational analytics. When he is not diving deep into data, Lance enjoys playing music and cycling. After graduation, he hopes to get accepted into the Master of Science in Analytics program at USF to continue his studies in Data Science.