Visualizing the Java 8 API Hierachy

Data Visualization Homework 4 by Saman Dalo

Java 8 API Hierachy

This homework assignment explores the Java 8 API by utilizing five different visualizations. The CSV file can be found here.

Traditional Node Layout, Straight Edges

This visualization is a Traditional Node Layout with straight edges. With this visualization,
it is very easy to see parent/child relationships. You can also identify the root very easily since
it is the top node. By hovering over a specific node, you can see the names of the java packages.

Circular Dendrogram Node Layout, Curved Edges

This visualization is a Circular Dendogram that uses Curved Edges. This visualization, like the one above
it, does very well at showing parent/child relationships. It is clear who the child and parent is. This specific visualization
is very good at showing the leaves, or nodes without children. It puts them at the edges so it is very easy to see, while the
parent nodes are closer towards the middle.

Circle Packing

This visualization utilizes a Circle Packing layout in order to show the Hierachy of the Java 8 API. By looking at the visualization, you
can clearly see size differences between nodes. Another thing you can clearly see by looking at this is the parent/child relationships.
You can also see how different nodes share the same parent.

Icicle Layout

This visualization is another space-filling visualization technique, an Icicle Layout. This one in particular is really good
at seeing what each parent node contains. For example, you can clearly see what the Java.time API contains, and
what each of those contains up until the leaves.

Sunburst Layout

Lastly, this technique is the sunburst layout. Just by looking at it, you can see how similiar is looks to the icicle layout
above. It is the radial version of that, and it also excels at showing the relationships between parents and child nodes.