SF Tree Maintenance Requests by Supervisor District

Homework 3 by Saman Dalo

To learn more about each tree maintenance request made, just hover over a specific circle.
Scroll over any white space to zoom in, and drag to pan

About the Data

The data used in this visualization came from the 311 Tree Maintenance Dataset. This dataset contains a great deal of information, such as the Latitide
and Longitude for each request. It also contains other information such as address, the details of the request, and the source of the request.

This map is an example of a non-proportional symbol map. Each circle on this map represents a specific tree maintenance request. To learn
more about each request, you can hover over a specific circle. Additionally, the map is divided by Supervisor District which can be found by
hovering over a region of the map, or over a certain request. Addiitonally, each request is colored by the source of the request. For instance, some
sources include Twitter, Open311, or the Web Self Service.

You can learn many things from my visualization. You can see almost instantly that many of the tree maintenance requests had their source from
the yellow, Open311, and the blue, Voice In. I also thought it was interesting how most of the requests made through Open311 were relatively close
to each other while the requests made by calling was spread out much better. More information can be seen by hovering over the specific incident.
For Instance, you can see what neighborhood a certain request was in, as well as more details about that request such as the status of the Request.