Visualizing San Francisco Tree Incidents by Supervisor Districts

Dataset Background
The data used for this visualization is from the City of San Francisco's 2016 Tree Maintenance Data. This dataset has all of the requests made for tree maintenance in San Francisco in 2016. Types of requests include landscaping, overgrowth, damage, etc. It also shows which tree maintenance case is still open or closed. The incidents are broken down by Supervisor Districts. The roads displayed are extracted from the Street Centerlines dataset.

How to Interpret the Data
The first step to understand and interpret the visualization below is by looking at the legend and noticing how the two different colors represent whether the tree maintenance case is closed or still open—light green representing a closed, resolved case and light red representing an open, pending case. If you hover over each request, the request’s details will be displayed on the top of the map. If you hover the land, each supervisor district will be highlighted and if you click the district, it will be zoom to that specific district. You can also zoom and pan the map to get a closer look at each request.

What You Can Learn
This map shows us where there is a cluster of tree maintenance requests. As you can see, most of the cases for tree maintenance requests were made in the upper right quadrant of San Francisco. Most of the cases have been closed, but there is a pretty even distribution of cases that need to be closed across San Francisco. It’s interesting how in Supervisor districts 1 and 2, where the Presidio and Golden Gate parks are located, there seems to be less maintenance requests in general.

Bush over the circles to learn more about each tree maintenance request made.
Scroll over the map to zoom in and pan or click on a district to zoom into it to get a closer look.

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Kanika Priyadarshi

I'm a student at the University of San Francisco majoring in Finance with a minor in Computer Science. Currently, I'm interning at Cisco as a project specialist intern, where I combine my business and analytical knowledge on the job. In my free time, I enjoy arts&crafts, playing tennis, sipping on boba tea, and Bollywood dancing.