Homework 2 Visualizations : Parallel Coordinates

By Saman Dalo

RAWGraph Prototype

Above if the rawgraph prototype of my visualization. The data used in this visualization is from a study by Chetty, Friedman, Saez, Turner, and Yagan (2017) at the Equality of Opportunity Project. It has data from many colleges accross the U.S., and different statistics about the students, such as percentage of females. My visualization was made with the help from Mike Bostock, and makes different y axis for most of the columns in my csv file.

In my visualization, each color represents a different type of college. For instance, blue lines are two-year colleges, either public or private. From there, each line, which represents a college, has corresponding values on each axis.

From my visualization, you can see which types of colleges have the parents with the most average income, or kids with the most average income. Additionally, you can see the percentage of female students as well as the percentage of married students. To tie everything together, one of the things this visualization can show you is the correllation between the types of colleges with the most female percentage, their average parent income, and the percentage of students who average zero reported labor earnings.

D3 Version